The Pueblo Model Railroad Association is for promoting the interests of scale model railroading, preservation of railroad history, providing service to the community by presenting the concepts of railroading and operations in an educational and entertaining manner, and providing a meeting place for members and guests.
The Pueblo Model Railroad Association is a part of the Arkansas Valley Division of the Rocky Mountain Region. The Rocky Mountain Region is a part of the National Model Railroad Association. All members of the PMRA are required to be members of the NMRA.
The Pueblo Model Railroad Association was formed in December of 1984. At first, the club was very informal with meetings being held once a month at member’s homes. As the membership grew, a more permanent location with an operating layout was desired but could not be obtained. In the summer of 1985, The Pueblo Model Railroad Association was approached by the Colorado State Fair to build a portable model railroad exhibit. After building and successfully operating the exhibit at the fair, the membership and the interest in the club increased dramatically.
Between 1987 and 1992, the club layout had been forced to relocate several times eventually ending up in storage and then dismantled. In June 2017, the club moved to the present location in the basement of the PEDCO building. There, the club set up the sectional HO layout built to Rocky Mountain Region Standards. Presently there is a second HO layout being constructed, with an N scale layout, an O scale layout, and a G scale layout in various stages of completion. There is a work session every Wednesday morning from 9:00am until noon that is open to the public. Group tours can be arranged by contacting one of the officers.
Although the membership has fluctuated over the years, there are currently about 30 active members in the club. Most of the members have a home layout of their own or are planning to build one. The Pueblo Model Railroad Association meets at the Pueblo West Library once a month on the first Tuesday at 6:30pm. A clinic on model railroading is occasionally held for the first hour and open to the public. The official business of the club is conducted after the clinic. The Arkansas Valley Division of the Rocky Mountain Region of the National Model Railroad Association is held concurrently with the PMRA meeting. All members of the PRMA are required to be members of the National Model Railroad Association.
Members of the club in attendance for the
2022 PMRA / TECO Joint Rail Fair